Piece Makers met at Shannon’s lovely home. Over tea and freshly baked cookies, they enjoyed the company of Shannon’s husband Peter and son Christopher who had just made a surprise visit from college.
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Janet came with a bag of faded jeans for Mariam to make into quilts. She also gave out several bags of fabrics and partially finished projects. Janet then displayed a luscious lemon yellow/orange quilt top with black accents called “Easy Peesy Lemon Squeezy” she pieced during her Counterintuitive class with Patricia.
Mariam brought an apron she made for her youngest daughter who works in a bakery in Leavenworth. She has made other holiday/food themed aprons like Christmas and Valentine’s Day for her. Mariam offered up a WSU themed quilt she had made for a grandchild who decided to attend another college. Since there were no takers, she will keep it in inventory for a future WSU student.
Shannon stated that she’s been acting as a UPN (unlicensed practical nurse0 to Peter who had surgery for a dislocated and torn shoulder a week ago. She took on several of Janet’s unfinished projects.
Harriet presented a teddy bear themed child’s quilt for her 4-year-old great nephew. She also brought a twin-sized blue-green floral quilt that she will finish on the machine. She is excited about her March quilting date she has with Janet to try out her long-arm machine.
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