Wednesday, May 25, 2011

may 11 meeting

We did it! We made 14 quilts for graduating YF seniors and had two extra for companions at Plymouth House of Healing.

Although Ingrid and Patricia were at the May meeting, they are not shown in the above photos. And the photo of Shannon and her quilt was taken when she delivered her quilt at a later date.

Here is the list of the students and the quilt makers:
Andrea Augustine-Diane Roubal
Emily Bristow-Ingrid Riley
Emily Buckner-Harriet Naf
Mahlon Dunnell-Janet Saulsbury
Lizzie Gore-Diane Roubal
Jasmine Isaacson-Flora Daglish
Emma LeValley-Maurine Noble
Kira Miller-Miriam Breidenstein
Finn Ostrem-Patricia Belyea
Kate Pattison-Shannon Kahn
Catherine Sandstrom-Sarah Stine
Henry Thomas-Flora Daglish
Julia Thompson-Pris Orr
Dan Zook-Harriet Naf

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